我们一直在努力 我们力争给客户最好的技术,最优质的产品!

Your first choice of Strain gage supplier.

Strain Gage for Precious Transducers - at HT you will find the reliable supplier.

Your first choice of Strain gage supplier.

Professional service comes from endless pursuit in HT.

Strain Gage for all kinds of Stress Analysis, such as PCB Stress Test etc.

Professional service comes from endless pursuit in HT.

At HT you find the good solution.

Best choice for the application of all kinds of electronic weighing devies.

At HT you find the good solution.

We supply the core of sensor, and you are the core of HT business.

We supply the Gauge (relative), absolute, and sealed gauge pressure sensors, which are applied for process control systems, industrial controls, pneumatic and hydraulic controls, pressure transmitters, pressure calibrators etc.

We supply the core of sensor, and you are the core of HT business.


     欢迎大家来陕西海派电子科技有限公司 陕西海派电子科技有限公司位于西安市东高新技术产业开发区的新城科技产业园内,成立于 2016 年。前身西安贝森电测,是原中航工业系统传感器研究所的核心技术骨干发起成立。团队拥有近 20 多年的专业传感器研发制造的技术积累经验。公司成立之初是为了提高国内力传感器,工程应力应变测量的产品研发能力。打破国外传感器巨头在力传感器研发的垄断。 公司核心团队拥有近 20 多年的专业传感器研发制造的技术积累经验,掌握传感器研发、制造的核心技术,拥有各类应变式传感器开发及重大应用项目经验,并了解第一手的全球同行业的同类传感器的真实测试数据,为各种应用场合和客户要求下传感器的研发制造打下坚实基础。 公司成立以来,专注传感器品质研究,以提升传感器的稳定性、可靠性为研...[更多]



Catalogue of load cell_updated vers

The main load cells we are supplying.

Catalogue of semiconductor strain g

TP series semiconductor strain gauges

Catalogue of Strain gages for trans

The catalogue of Strain gages for transducer application

Catalogue of strain gage for anayls

Catalogue of strain gage for anaylsis

Online service

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